Thursday, January 31, 2008

God's Boxes

** I've always liked this.... I'm learning to LEAVE my sorrows in the black box and don't look back...

God's Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes,
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,
And all your joys in the gold."

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,
Both my joys and sorrows I stored,
But though the gold became heavier each day,
The black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused,
"I wonder where my sorrows could be!"
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
"My child, they're all here with me.."

I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,
Why the gold and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
The black is for you to let go."

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Diva-tude Attitude Check one, Check two!

My Goals

Spiritually: Have a better relationship with God
Action plan: Read my bible more

Relationally: Actually I need to step back from this for a minute
Action plan: I need to sit back and see what's really going on here... and make some adjustments

Physically: Lose weight (15 pounds so far)
Action plan: Continue with WW and hitting the gym

Professionally: Build my real estate client database
Action plan: Hand out more cards and attend networking events

Financially: Increase my savings
Action plan: Stop shopping (Lord HELP ME in this area!)

My first priority is building my savings. I have grand plans and I need to fund this PLAN.

My greatest motivation is my mom. She is so proud of her baby and what I have accomplished. But she has always been my source of inspiration.

My greatest reward will be one day being totally debt free and live life like it is GOLDEN; spiritually and financially!


I am really digging this one! The bottom line is I have to learn....

Someone can love you, but you make yourself happy.
Someone can teach you, but you must apply what you learn.
Someone can coach you, but you must win the game.
Someone can give you an opportunity, but you must show up capable and prepared.
Someone can tell you truth or lies, but you must learn discernment.
Someone can tempt you, but you must learn discipline.
Someone can offer you advice, but you must learn to trust your own inner knowing.
Someone can be selfish and withhold love, but you must learn how to give.
Someone can pity you, but you must learn to bear your own sorrow.
Someone can reject and leave you, but you must learn to feel whole.
Someone can ignore you, but you must see your own value and worth.
Someone can help you, but you must learn to do for self.
Someone can hold a grudge, but you must learn how to forgive.
Someone can show you a new way, but you must want the change.
Someone can offer you love, but you must feel worthy of receiving love.
Someone can encourage you, but you must motivate yourself.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Learning to Love"

"Learning to Love"

1Cor. 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous;

love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act
unbecomingly; it does not seek its own.

Searching for love these days can get you hurt. People

are crazier than ever before and they don't know how
to love or be loved most of the times. You can really
love someone and be taken for granted or be kicked
to the curb. You can not love and be lonely and bitter.
Love is one of those things that you have to give in to
if you ever expect to be happy in this life. But we must
first understand that love is of God and it's a fruit of his
Spirit. So, if you are "of" God, then you should love for
real! Be patient with the ones you love. Don't abuse
them or expect them to be perfect. Always look at
yourself and your own shortcomings when you are
loving someone. That way, you can always understand
that we make mistakes, but true love understands
and is not short tempered.

The greatest love of all, contrary to what that Whitney

song said, is laying down your life for someone. This is
the love of God. To put yourself aside and to give to
others. In a relationship, a friendship, or just a good
brotherly love, you have to practice forsaking yourself
for others. Real love will cause you to not say certain
things that you know will offend the ones you love.
Real love will cause you to ask instead of command.
Real love will cause you to be concerned instead of
judgmental. Real love puts your own needs aside for
the needs of others. God loved us so much that he
put heaven on hold, sent his son to die for us. He gave
his very life for us and showed us why he is love!
And that's the attitude we must have towards the
people we say we love. It can't always be about you,
but real love will cause you to focus on the needs of
others. If you are a Christian, then act like one and
love for real. Real love will always show up in your
actions and if you love for someone, you will always

treat as good as yourself.

That's real love!

Suggested Reading: John 15:13, Titus 3:4,

Eph. 3:17, 1John 4:7, 1John 4:12
©2008 G. Craige Works All Rights Reserved


Monday, January 28, 2008

Diva Confession....

Dear heavenly Father,

Forgive me for the times I choose to go my own way and give in to what my flesh demands. Help me to yield to Your Spirit more and more each day. I trust You to lead me to the joy and fulfillment I desire so deeply. Most of all, let my ultimate peace and satisfaction come from knowing I have been pleasing to You.

In Jesus’ name,


Friday, January 25, 2008

Praise God!!

As much as I feel that my life is in a shambles, I have to praise God for:
  • Waking me up this morning
  • My family that stand behind me
  • My friends that care about me
  • Having my job in the state of the economy when a lot of people are doing/going without

Most importantly God continuing love for me despite all of my shortcomings and being there to pick me up when I have fallen flat on my face.

God I love you & will honor you for all the days of my life!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Place For Worries

A Place For Worries
Surrender Box

There are times when our minds become too full. Our to-do lists, worries, plans, and dreams may be so crowded together in our heads that we don't have room to think. We may believe that we are somehow taking care of our desires and concerns by keeping them at the forefront of our minds. In maintaining our mental hold on every detail, however, we may actually delay the realization of our dreams and the resolution of our worries because we won't let them go. At times such as these, we may want to use a surrender box.

A surrender box allows us to let go of our worries and desires so the universe can take care of them for us. We write down what we want or need to happen and then place the note into a box. By writing and placing our thoughts in the box, we are taking action and letting the universe know we need help and are willing to surrender our feelings. We give ourselves permission to not concern ourselves with that problem any longer and trust that the universe is taking care of it. You may even want to decorate your box and place it in a special place. Your surrender box is a sacred container for your worries. Not only do you free up space in your mind by letting go of our worries and desires and dropping them into your surrender box, but you are giving your burden over to a higher power. Once we drop our worries and desires into the surrender box, we free our minds so we can be fully present in each moment.

Surrendering our worries and concerns and placing them in the hands of the universe doesn't mean that we've given up or have been defeated. Instead, we are releasing the realization of our desires and the resolution of our worries and no longer concerning ourselves with their outcomes. It's always fun to go back and pull the slips of paper out of the box once your requests have been granted. And it's amazing how quickly problems go away and dreams come true when we finally let go and allow a higher power to help us.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Diva Confessions of the day...

I will look at the entire scope of my life and approach each level of my spirit with the dedication it deserves. I will choose to honor God by being a complete picture of how He created me to function.

In order to do this, I will now apply the spiritual gifts have not been applying in order to help me increase my faith & understanding in areas of my life I cannot control.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Diva Confession for the day... and comment

I can go forth in the assurance that God's plans for my life are certain and true-they will come to pass as I walk in cooperation with Him. In order to receive all that He has for me, I will open my hands and let go of hopelessness in order to focus on fulfilling what God has created for me and called me to do.

The questions in this book are very hard for me to answer. I am not used to reveling myself in this manner... even if it is only me reading my answers. One question I honestly could not answer: "What area of your life has given you the greatest sense of significance?" This scares me and also brings up another question I have a hard time answering: "What is my purpose in life?"

I pray that when I am finished with this book I will be able to answer both....

Monday, January 21, 2008


I am currently reading this book by Michelle McKinney Hammond: Diva-tudes; Divine Wisdom for living, loving and overcoming... It is actually a workbook that I feel will help me grow personally and spiritually.

This is my confession for today:

Today is a new day. The past no longer counts as I create a new present by giving my future to God and agreeing with His divine plan for me. I will be begin by erasing all negative thoughts and doubts in my regards to my singleness.

A Moment Of Serenity

A Moment Of Serenity

Take a moment to pause and remember who you are. Take a moment to reflect on the things that have real and lasting meaning in your life.

In a world where there is so much change from instant to instant, keep yourself ever connected to those values that endure. Refresh your spirit often with a time of quiet serenity.

Find refuge from the noise and turmoil, and you'll be able to hear the voice of purpose and meaning, calling from within. There are many valuable things you know without being told, and it can be energizing to contemplate them.

Beyond the shallow concerns that must scream for attention are life's real treasures. Those treasures come clearly into focus when you step back a little bit and take an objective look.

Pay attention to the nagging feeling that there must be more to life than all the rush and confusion. There most certainly is.

Take the time to make time stand still. And take in the experience of being.

Friday, January 18, 2008


"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect…it just means that you have decided to see beyond the imperfections."

Many of you may not know... but I LOVE QUOTES! The one above was posted on one of my many online groups that I participate (or try to).

This one speaks to me. I don't try to be perfect... but I do strive for PERFECTION in areas I totally control LOL!

Gotta go back to work!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tantalizing Tuesday!

Today was actually a good day! It started out rocky but ended up being pretty good.

I am 'dieting' for health reasons and I am doing good. Could be doing better, but I find if I deprive myself, I end up binge eating later. (Been there... done that....) I went to the grocery store tonight and bought some goodies that I can feel good about eating and not feel guilty. I am at my weakest when I am at work. Sitting all day can make you want to nibble; all the bad things! I bought some carrots tonight. I am sure that will kill the urge to nibble lol!

Well I am going to go and walk on the treadmill while watching the Biggest Loser!